Quellen der Krebs Abhandlung


[Willett 2002] Willett, W.C. (2002) "Balancing Life-Style and Genomics Research for Disease Prevention." Science 296: 695-698


[Kling 2003] Kling, J. (2003). "Put the Blame on Methylation" The Scientist: 27-28


[Jones 2001] Jones, P.A. (2001). "Death and Methylation." Nature 409: 141-144


[Seppa 2000] Seppa N. (2000) "Silencing the BRCA1 gene spells trouble." Science News 157: 247


[Baylin 1997] Baylin, S.B. (1997). "DNA METHYLATION: Tying It All Together: Epigenetics,

Genetics, Cell Cycle, and Cancer." Science 277 (5334): 1948-1949


[Bauer, Joachim] Das Gedächtnis des Körpers: Wie Beziehungen und Lebensstile unsere Gene steuern


[Nijhout 1990] Nijhout, H.F. (1990) "Metaphors and the Role of Genes in Development." Bioessays 12 (9): 441-446



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